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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

in the 60's and 70's that err collapsed
under very heavy fishing pressure

by purse seiners and
it has not come back,

ln thirty years it
has not come back

Sole and the plaice are
fully exploited and

could not really sustain
and further fishing pressure,

the herring also is
fully exploited,

there is no room for expansion

Now with so much fishing pressure
in surface waters

fishermen are going deeper and
deeper to find fish for the market,

we've seeing things here that

we would never even have
heard of twenty years ago

This is a black scarvered and
it lives at about a thousand metres

So are these fish in trouble?
lt's hard to say really...

...because like everything else
that lives in the deep

very little is known about it
and that's the problem

with deep sea fishing,
the scientists don't really know

what's going on down there

and they're only just
beginning to find out

Scientist from Tasmania are
now using high tech cameras

mounted on submersibles to study the
effects of fishing on the deep sea

Only in the last thirty years have
we had the technology to fish the deep,

But in many places the fishing
pressure has been very intense

This particular fish
is now on our menu

These white fish are the fillets of
a deep sea fish called orange roughy,

you may have noticed them at your
local fishmonger or supermarket recently,

they can live in up to depths of
one thousand five hundred metres

and like a lot of deep sea fish
they live a very long time

These ones could have been born
during world war two,

they could even have been around
during the Victorian era

lt's believed that orange roughy
can live to a staggering

one hundred and fifty years old

But as well as living longer
these fish mature later

at about thirty to
thirty-five years old

lf you take them out before this age
they won't be able to reproduce,

there won't be a future
generation of orange roughy

For many years the fishing
pressure here was huge,

thousands of tons were scooped up for
the market and sold around the world

At times so many were
caught there wasn't even

the market for them,
they were just dumped

Fortunately the New Zealand
and Australian fisheries

recognised the problem in time and now
they monitor the fish stocks carefully

The fish may be safe but
the habitat they rely on isn't

ln the deep sea there are
animals that are so new to us,

and so strange that it's as
if we're in another world

Despite it's remoteness
the deep sea habitat

is now under threat,
and once again

lt's the method of fishing
that is causing the real damage

Deep sea fishing nets are huge,
they dredge up life... indiscriminately

Corals and sponges hundreds
of years old

are being ripped off the sea
bed ...and destroyed

What trawl actually does,
particularly in the deep sea,

...where fishing nets is actually
concentrated around sea mounts

which is very hard rock,
to protect the net from the rock,

they've got huge steel
balls on them,

and those balls are about
half a meter in diameter

and they run along on
a huge ground rope,

now that net is pulled
along at say three knots

smacking into the rock,
smack, smack,

Smack, Smack, Smack,
Smack, Smack,

So this net basically comes along
and it physically mows that thing down,

just rips it off, shoots it
into the back of the net,

it's history, it's dead, it's got
no chance of living after that

You can't see the
damage done at depth

but if the same was done on land,
you'd be horrified.

if we wanted to catch
cows for instance,

we'd get a net and hang it from
a helicopter and we

...drag that through the paddock,
we would not only catch a few cows,

we'd catch the dog, we'd catch the car,
we'd catch the farmyard, the barn,

we'd catch the farmer's wife,
we'd catch all this other stuff

that we weren't
originally going for

O'hea is concerned about
many of the animals

that have been brought up from
the deep most of them unintentionally

He's monitoring the
damage being done,

From his lab in New Zealand.

One of the most spectacular
things we...


knots ['nɒts] n. 结;结头;要点(knot的复数) v. 打结;使纠结(knot的第三人称单数) { :5061}

corals [ˈkɔrəlz] n. 珊瑚( coral的名词复数 ); 珊瑚虫 { :5793}

fisheries [ˈfɪʃəri:z] n. 渔业;渔场(fishery的复数);捕鱼术;渔业公司 { :5973}

scooped [sku:pt] vt. 掘;舀取;抢先获得;搜集 n. 勺;铲子;独家新闻;凹处 { :6624}

staggering [ˈstægərɪŋ] adj. 惊人的,令人震惊的 {ky toefl :7013}

smacking [ˈsmækɪŋ] adj. 活泼的;发出响声的;精力充沛的 { :7202}

smack [smæk] n. 滋味;少量;海洛因;风味 vt. 掴;用掌击 vi. 用掌击;带有…风味 adv. 猛然;直接地 {toefl :7202}

horrified ['hɒrɪfaɪd] adj. 惊骇的;带有恐怖感的 v. 惊骇(horrify的过去式和过去分词);使…战悚 { :7683}

sponges [s'pʌndʒɪz] n. [无脊椎] 海绵(sponge的复数形式);海绵皂;海绵动物 v. 用海绵擦拭, 吸收掉, 抹掉(sponge的第三人称单数形式) { :7966}

mows [məuz] v. 刈,割( mow的第三人称单数 ) { :9661}

herring [ˈherɪŋ] n. 鲱 n. (Herring)人名;(英)赫林 { :9934}

fillets [ ] vt. 用带缚或装饰(fillet的第三人称单数形式) { :10721}

dredge [dredʒ] n. 挖泥船,疏浚机;拖捞网 vt. (用挖泥船等)疏浚;(用拖捞网等)捞取;(在食物上)撒(面粉等) vi. 疏浚,挖掘;采捞 { :12638}

paddock [ˈpædək] n. 围场;小牧场 n. (Paddock)人名;(英、瑞典)帕多克 { :12841}

err [ɜ:(r)] vi. 犯错;做错;犯罪;走上歧途 {toefl gre :13165}

remoteness [rɪ'məʊtnəs] n. 遥远;偏僻;细微;时间久远 { :14897}

farmyard [ˈfɑ:mjɑ:d] n. 农家庭院;农场;农家 { :15390}

unintentionally [ˌʌnɪn'tenʃənəlɪ] adv. 无意地;非故意地;非存心地 { :16125}

trawl [trɔ:l] n. 拖网;排钩 vi. 用拖网捕鱼 vt. 用拖网捕鱼 {gre :17677}

indiscriminately [ˌɪndɪ'skrɪmɪnətlɪ] adv. 不加选择地;任意地 {cet6 toefl :18203}

submersibles [ ] (submersible 的复数) a. 能沉入水中的, 能潜水的 { :20782}

tasmania [tæz'meinjә] n. 塔斯马尼亚岛(位于澳洲东南方) { :21728}

fishmonger [ˈfɪʃmʌŋgə(r)] n. 鱼贩;鱼商 { :21744}

plaice [pleɪs] n. 鲽鱼;比目鱼 { :23739}

ln [ ] abbr. 自然对数(Napierian Logarithm);液态氮(Liquid Nitrogen) { :28828}

LF [ ] [计] 换行, 低频 [医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度 { :30107}

roughy ['rʌfi] n. =roughie

seiners [ ] (seiner 的复数) 围网渔船, 使用围网捕鱼的人

dredge up [dredʒ ʌp] v. 捞出水面 [网络] 挖掘;疏浚;上翻

ground rope [ ] 沉子纲

high tech [hai tek] n. 高科技 adj. 高技术的 [网络] 高科技风格;高科技产业;高技风格

purse seiner [ ] 围网渔船

purse seiners [ ] 围网渔船

rip ... off [rɪp ɒf] v. 剥削;抢劫;强奸;〈俚〉剽窃 [网络] 宰客;宰人;撕掉

rip it off [ ] 赌城大笨贼(电影名,又名逼上绝路)

rip off [rip ɔf] v. 剥削;抢劫;强奸;〈俚〉剽窃 [网络] 宰客;宰人;撕掉

scoop up [sku:p ʌp] v. 舀出 [网络] 铲起;用铲子取;舀上来

to reproduce [ ] [网络] 复制;文化差异再现;再生产

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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